

Batting Type

Basic Contact

Pitching Type

Trust Your Defense

Hand Bonus


Primary Position


Secondary Position


Tertiary Position


Player ID


Season Stats

MLR Stats

Season PAs AVG OBP SLG OPS Hits HRs Runs RBIs Steals Attempts DPA
7 29 0.107 0.138 0.179 0.317 3 0 1 1 0 1 288.379
8 34 0.333 0.412 0.733 1.145 10 3 4 5 3 4 245.559
9 45 0.368 0.467 0.553 1.019 14 0 6 1 3 4 243.022
10 45 0.244 0.311 0.463 0.775 10 2 5 6 0 0 259.222
11 2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 294.0

MiLR Stats

Season PAs AVG OBP SLG OPS Hits HRs Runs RBIs Steals Attempts DPA
7 13 0.167 0.231 0.25 0.481 2 0 0 0 2 2 312.923
8 21 0.474 0.524 0.895 1.419 9 1 3 4 0 0 219.048
9 34 0.286 0.412 0.679 1.09 8 3 5 5 0 1 216.5
10 27 0.2 0.259 0.52 0.779 5 2 3 6 0 0 250.407

Season IP ERA WHIP Hits Runs FOs Ks DP DP % CS CS % DBF
7 3.2 8.182 1.909 6 5 4 1 1 1.0% 0 0.0% 213.412

All Plate Appearances



Game Inning OBC Batter Pitch Swing Diff Result RBI bWPA


Game Inning OBC Pitcher Pitch Swing Diff Result RBI Run bWPA
7.2 vs BAC T3 1 out(s) 0 Franz Joseph Hyman Jr 446 933 487 LGO 0 None 28.89%
7.2 vs BAC T5 2 out(s) 1 Franz Joseph Hyman Jr 931 327 396 PO 0 None 92.34%
7.4 vs BAC T1 1 out(s) 1 Terry Gaskins 32 689 343 K 0 None -2.63%
7.4 vs BAC T4 0 out(s) 0 Terry Gaskins 671 831 160 FO 0 None 86.25%
7.4 vs BAC T6 0 out(s) 0 Michael Ikenberry 950 349 399 RGO 0 None 62.52%
7.7 vs SSC B2 0 out(s) 1 Mattress 421 1000 421 RGO 0 None -8.04%
7.7 vs SSC B5 1 out(s) 0 Mattress 420 545 125 BB 0 None 99.81%
7.7 vs SSC B5 1 out(s) 1 Mattress 245 285 40 Steal 2b 0 None 99.66%
7.10 vs SSJ T1 1 out(s) 0 Derek Rasmussen 532 986 454 RGO 0 None -2.18%
7.10 vs SSJ T4 1 out(s) 0 Derek Rasmussen 713 228 485 LGO 0 None -3.19%
7.10 vs SSJ T6 0 out(s) 0 Derek Rasmussen 891 717 174 FO 0 None -5.44%
7.11 vs BBB B1 1 out(s) 0 Holden Beers 312 387 75 1B 0 None 75.88%
7.11 vs BBB B1 1 out(s) 1 Holden Beers 200 1000 200 Steal 2b 0 None 75.20%
7.11 vs BBB B3 1 out(s) 1 Holden Beers 188 692 496 LGO 0 None 81.96%
7.11 vs BBB B6 0 out(s) 0 Holden Beers 811 758 53 2B 0 None 97.89%
8.1 vs GND T2 0 out(s) 0 James Jameson CDXX 125 505 380 PO 0 False None
8.1 vs GND T4 1 out(s) 1 James Jameson CDXX 273 808 465 DP 0 False None
9.1 vs KGB T1 0 out(s) 0 Larold 11 720 291 FO 0 False None
8.2 vs PPM B4 0 out(s) 0 Peter Hoomanawanui 212 257 45 2B 0 True None
8.3 vs SCU B1 1 out(s) 0 Alex Lancer 340 245 95 1B 0 False None
8.3 vs SCU B3 2 out(s) 0 Alex Lancer 3 185 182 BB 0 False None
8.3 vs SCU B5 2 out(s) 0 Alex Lancer 1 555 446 LGO 0 False None
8.5 vs LAC B1 1 out(s) 0 Hank Braun 731 525 206 FO 0 False None
8.5 vs LAC B3 1 out(s) 0 Hank Braun 311 875 436 LGO 0 False None
8.5 vs LAC B5 2 out(s) 0 Hank Braun 81 199 118 1B 0 False None
8.6 vs BLO T1 2 out(s) 1 Bastille Metalfall 2 798 204 FO 0 False None
8.6 vs BLO T3 1 out(s) 1 Bastille Metalfall 349 321 28 3B 1 False None
8.6 vs BLO T5 1 out(s) 0 BOOG 218 159 59 2B 0 False None
8.7 vs CCD B2 0 out(s) 0 Goose Gordon 105 477 372 PO 0 False None
8.7 vs CCD B5 0 out(s) 0 Goose Gordon 738 1 263 K 0 False None
8.11 vs MOB B1 2 out(s) 2 Brick Bruiser 644 747 103 1B 1 False None
8.11 vs MOB B3 1 out(s) 2 Brian Taylor 750 747 3 HR 2 True None
8.12 vs SBD T2 1 out(s) 0 Raja Ayun 518 1 483 LGO 0 False None
8.12 vs SBD T5 1 out(s) 0 Raja Ayun 523 488 35 2B 0 True None
8.12 vs SBD T6 2 out(s) 1 Raja Ayun 505 444 61 1B 0 False None
8.14 vs TXR B1 1 out(s) 0 Ferda Bois 53 211 158 BB 0 False None
8.14 vs TXR B4 1 out(s) 0 Ferda Bois 7 549 458 LGO 0 False None
8.16 vs ESP T1 2 out(s) 1 Kared Jelenik 622 245 377 RGO 0 False None
8.16 vs ESP T3 1 out(s) 2 Kared Jelenik 92 314 222 FO 0 False None
8.16 vs ESP T5 2 out(s) 0 Kared Jelenik 527 934 407 RGO 0 False None
8.18 vs SBD B2 1 out(s) 1 Raja Ayun 900 432 468 CS 2B 0 False None
8.18 vs SBD B2 2 out(s) 0 Raja Ayun 105 742 363 PO 0 False None
8.18 vs SBD B5 0 out(s) 0 Raja Ayun 842 369 473 LGO 0 False None
8.19 vs MOB B1 0 out(s) 4 Brick Bruiser 500 479 21 2B 1 False None
8.19 vs MOB B2 1 out(s) 0 Streetlamp LeMoose 210 820 390 RGO 0 False None
8.19 vs MOB B4 2 out(s) 4 Streetlamp LeMoose 365 333 32 2B 2 False None
8.20 vs NUT B1 1 out(s) 0 Sterling Turlington 701 799 98 1B 0 False None
8.20 vs NUT B3 1 out(s) 2 Charlie Bae 895 714 181 FO 0 False None
8.20 vs NUT B5 2 out(s) 0 Jameson Poe 175 787 388 K 0 False None
8.20 vs NUT B7 1 out(s) 1 Dutch Boggs 111 800 311 STEAL 2B 0 False None
8.20 vs NUT B7 1 out(s) 2 Dutch Boggs 786 717 69 1B 0 False None
9.1 vs KGB T1 0 out(s) 0 Larold 11 720 291 FO 0 False None
9.1 vs KGB T3 1 out(s) 0 Larold 8 314 306 K 0 False None
9.1 vs KGB T5 1 out(s) 4 Jimmy Payne 623 790 167 BB 0 False None
9.1 vs KGB T7 2 out(s) 1 Leopold Pollersbeck 534 117 417 RGO 0 False None
9.3 vs AND T2 1 out(s) 0 Baron Butzenkatzen-Butzenkatzen 24 178 154 BB 0 False None
9.4 vs ARR B3 1 out(s) 0 Six 11 6 5 HR 1 True None
9.4 vs ARR B5 1 out(s) 0 Six 322 506 184 BB 0 False None
9.4 vs ARR B7 0 out(s) 0 Six 341 666 325 K 0 False None
9.4 vs ARR B10 0 out(s) 0 Six 563 178 385 PO 0 False None
9.5 vs BIR T2 2 out(s) 1 Brick Bruiser 777 505 272 K 0 False None
9.5 vs BIR T5 1 out(s) 0 Brick Bruiser 406 222 184 BB 0 True None
9.6 vs NNL T1 0 out(s) 4 Superbone Threefinger 27 747 280 K 0 False None
9.6 vs NNL T2 2 out(s) 1 Trevor Rosé 477 420 57 2B 1 False None
9.6 vs NNL T5 0 out(s) 0 Trevor Rosé 171 523 352 K 0 False None
9.7 vs FLB T2 2 out(s) 0 Mike LaViva 11 1 10 HR 1 True None
9.7 vs FLB T5 0 out(s) 0 Wheezy Whifflesworth 819 4 185 FO 0 False None
9.8 vs POS B2 0 out(s) 0 Johnmaine Chupri 480 118 362 K 0 False None
9.8 vs POS B4 0 out(s) 0 Hans Freii 999 789 210 FO 0 False None
9.9 vs POS T2 1 out(s) 3 Hans Freii 999 9 10 HR 2 True None
9.9 vs POS T4 1 out(s) 2 Tucker Doubt 814 602 212 FO 0 False None
9.10 vs AND B3 0 out(s) 0 Skye Comet 888 86 198 FO 0 False None
9.10 vs AND B5 1 out(s) 1 Skye Comet 456 179 277 K 0 False None
9.11 vs ARR T2 0 out(s) 0 Tyler Pylon 560 353 207 FO 0 False None
9.11 vs ARR T3 2 out(s) 0 Tyler Pylon 717 899 182 FO 0 False None
9.11 vs ARR T6 2 out(s) 0 Tyler Pylon 650 99 449 LGO 0 False None
9.12 vs BIR B1 0 out(s) 0 Dirk Digglet 118 1 117 1B 0 False None
9.12 vs BIR B4 0 out(s) 0 Teddy Bigstick 813 876 63 2B 0 False None
9.12 vs BIR B6 2 out(s) 0 Francesco Hardgust 142 34 108 1B 0 False None
9.13 vs KGB B2 2 out(s) 0 Antony Joy 587 448 139 1B 0 True None
9.13 vs KGB B4 2 out(s) 2 Antony Joy 723 288 435 RGO 0 False None
9.14 vs FLB B2 2 out(s) 0 Wheezy Whifflesworth 39 867 172 BB 0 False None
9.14 vs FLB B5 0 out(s) 0 Wheezy Whifflesworth 297 99 198 FO 0 False None
9.14 vs FLB B7 0 out(s) 0 Wheezy Whifflesworth 920 77 157 BB 0 False None
9.14 vs FLB B7 0 out(s) 1 Jerome S. Monroe 831 525 306 CS 2B 0 False None
10.1 vs KIR B1 1 out(s) 0 Johnmaine Chupri 319 565 246 FO 0 False None
10.1 vs KIR B3 1 out(s) 2 Johnmaine Chupri 366 690 324 K 0 False None
10.1 vs KIR B5 2 out(s) 1 Lou Coler 77 44 33 2B 1 False None
10.2 vs GRS T1 2 out(s) 3 Corva Johnson 257 350 93 1B 1 False None
10.2 vs GRS T3 2 out(s) 4 Corva Johnson 1 669 332 K 0 False None
10.2 vs GRS T5 1 out(s) 6 Carly Bae 127 823 304 K 0 False None
10.3 vs KRK B3 1 out(s) 0 Jameson Poe 901 311 410 PO 0 False None
10.3 vs KRK B6 0 out(s) 2 Jameson Poe 463 808 345 K 0 False None
10.5 vs CRN T1 1 out(s) 0 Bobert Hideyoshi 558 2 444 RGO 0 False None
10.5 vs CRN T4 0 out(s) 0 Bobert Hideyoshi 703 678 25 HR 1 True None
10.5 vs CRN T5 2 out(s) 2 Bobert Hideyoshi 599 321 278 K 0 False None
10.6 vs ACK T3 0 out(s) 0 Six 408 600 192 FO 0 False None
10.6 vs ACK T5 2 out(s) 0 Six 596 6 410 RGO 0 False None
10.7 vs ZAH B2 2 out(s) 0 Wheezy Whifflesworth 188 476 288 K 0 False None
10.7 vs ZAH B5 0 out(s) 0 Wheezy Whifflesworth 899 750 149 BB 0 True None
10.9 vs KRK T2 0 out(s) 0 Jameson Poe 308 541 233 FO 0 False None
10.9 vs KRK T5 0 out(s) 0 Jameson Poe 374 609 235 FO 0 False None
10.11 vs ACK B1 1 out(s) 2 Choc Banana 899 300 401 RGO 0 False None
10.11 vs ACK B3 1 out(s) 2 Choc Banana 198 993 205 FO 0 False None
10.11 vs ACK B5 0 out(s) 2 Billy TheKid 555 777 222 FO 0 False None
10.12 vs SSS T1 1 out(s) 2 Brick Bruiser 166 650 484 LGO 0 False None
10.12 vs SSS T2 0 out(s) 5 Larold 169 210 41 2B 1 False None
10.12 vs SSS T4 1 out(s) 2 Larold 500 477 23 HR 2 True None
10.12 vs SSS T6 1 out(s) 0 Jimmy Payne 251 11 240 FO 0 False None
10.14 vs BEE B3 0 out(s) 0 Raymond Philippe 753 42 289 K 0 False None
10.14 vs BEE B4 2 out(s) 2 Hippo Jars 88 911 177 BB 0 False None
10.14 vs BEE B6 2 out(s) 1 Troy-Anthony Parker 672 10 338 K 0 False None


Game Inning OBC Batter Pitch Swing Diff Result RBI bWPA
7.2 vs BAC B1 0 out(s) 0 Big Smoke Anderson 682 306 376 PO 0 2.48%
7.2 vs BAC B1 1 out(s) 0 Joe Watson 505 820 315 K 0 2.17%
7.2 vs BAC B1 2 out(s) 0 Snoop E. Dogg 820 820 0 HR 1 12.88%
7.2 vs BAC B1 2 out(s) 0 Dirtbag Darrell 570 169 401 RGO 0 27.43%
7.2 vs BAC B2 0 out(s) 0 Mark Schihne 922 156 234 FO 0 30.54%
7.2 vs BAC B2 1 out(s) 0 Fido Dido 309 538 229 FO 0 31.23%
7.2 vs BAC B2 2 out(s) 0 Nate Duke 149 2 147 BB 0 26.84%
7.2 vs BAC B2 2 out(s) 1 Bench Warmer 299 100 199 FO 0 33.13%
7.7 vs SSC T4 1 out(s) 2 Pang Winn 714 700 14 HR 2 86.27%
7.7 vs SSC T4 1 out(s) 0 Peter Hoomanawanui 486 789 303 PO 0 93.98%
7.7 vs SSC T4 2 out(s) 0 Daniel Dove 129 543 414 RGO 0 94.10%
7.7 vs SSC T5 0 out(s) 0 Helen Hywater 953 880 73 1B 0 94.57%
7.7 vs SSC T5 0 out(s) 1 Ferda Bois 228 101 127 1B 0 91.39%
7.7 vs SSC T5 0 out(s) 4 Mike Litoris 55 1000 55 2B 1 94.85%
7.7 vs SSC T5 0 out(s) 6 Perry Platypus 287 170 117 1B 1 97.44%
7.7 vs SSC T5 0 out(s) 5 Ryan PINGU 681 101 420 RGO 0 99.64%
7.7 vs SSC T5 2 out(s) 0 Phillip Mahooters 537 333 204 FO 0 99.68%